Performance Collection

This collection supports the programs of the Faculty's ensembles.  Borrowing is limited to current students/faculty and members of Choirs Ontario and Orchestras Canada. For individual orchestral parts, consult also The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library(M1000 .O65 V. 1-12) at the Music Library Circulation Desk. Another free source for orchestral parts is the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP), ( for parts available in the public domain. The Performance Collection office is open Monday to Friday from 1:00pm to 4:30pm, closed on holidays. For single copies of choral works, search the UTL catalogue, and the Sheet Music database. Choral music in public domain can also be found at Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL),

Jazz Ensemble Collection

Consists primarily of scores with instrumental parts. Borrowing is limited to the UofT Faculty of Music Jazz Ensembles

Choral Music Collection

Items consist chiefly of sets of vocal scores. Borrowing is limited to current students/faculty and members of Choirs Ontario.

Orchestral Music Collection

Consists of conductor scores along with orchestra parts.

Music Education Collection

Borrowing limited to the Music Education department. Collection provides educational resources for ensemble learning.

Concert Band Collection

Borrowing reserved for the Wind and Band Ensembles at the Faculty of Music